DX4WIN.CTY #24.33 – 17 September 2024

Version entity is Antigua & Barbuda, V2

Entities:      402
Prefixes:    4,715
Callsigns:  32,923
Managers:  103,555
Addresses:  14,085

[download] DX4WIN 8.05 and earlier
[download] DX4WIN 9.01 and later

[Entities] [Prefixes] [Callsigns] [Managers] [IOTA]



  • XO1 from 29 June 1985 through 29 August 1985 is Canada, VE


  • AH2AP from 18 December 2018 through 7 September 2024 is United States of America, K in CQ Zone 3
    AH2AP and N4DBX starting 8 September 2024 are both United States of America, K
  • AO50MRG during 16-22 September 2024 is Canary Islands, EA8
  • EA5PC during 11-14 September 2024 is Spain, EA
  • EA6FM on 15 September 2024 is Balearic Islands, EA6
  • EA6LU from 5 January 2024 through 13 September 2024 is Balearic Islands, EA6
  • EA8BM from 14 January 2024 through 14 September 2024 is Canary Islands, EA8
  • GB1HTC and GB2SCC on 14 September 2024 are both Wales, GW
  • GB2DCI on 14 September 2024 is Northern Ireland, GI
  • GB5CCC on 14 September 2024 is England, G
  • GB8MG during 14-15 September 2024 is England, G
  • K5DTC from 23 August 2024 through 14 September 2024 is Puerto Rico, KP4
  • K7AKR from 2 August 2014 through 11 September 2024 is Alaska, KL7
    K7AKR starting 12 September 2024 is United States of America, K
  • KB0VKF and WW2ECV starting 10 September 2024 are both Hawaii, KH6
  • KB1WQL from 14 July 2014 through 2 August 2014 is Alaska, KL7
  • LU1SF/S starting 14 May 2010 is Argentina, LU
  • LU2ELZ/I starting 19 August 2022 is Argentina, LU
  • LW2EDM/D starting 8 January 2024 is Argentina, LU
  • N1VMY starting 13 April 2006 is Puerto Rico, KP4
  • N4DBX from 21 September 2020 through 7 September 2024 is Alaska, KL7
  • R0QAW/9 from 31 August 2024 through 14 September 2024 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ Zone 18
  • R12RED during 16-29 September 2024 is European Russia, UA
  • R2ET/9 from 14 June 2018 through 15 September 2024 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ Zone 18
  • R4WAN/P during 8-15 September 2024 is European Russia, UA
  • R785VA during 12-18 September 2024 is European Russia, UA
  • R7HJ/0 during 12-16 September 2024 is Asiatic Russia, UA9
  • R81BRO during 13-30 September 2024 is European Russia, UA
  • R8FF/P on 14 September 2024 is European Russia, UA
  • R9YU/M on 16 September 2024 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ Zone 18
  • RA0QK/8 from 12 January 2017 through 15 September 2024 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ Zone 17
  • RA8CP/P during 9-16 September 2024 is European Russia, UA
  • RA9FEU/M and RX9WT/P on 15 September 2024 are both Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ Zone 16
  • RA9WU/P on 15 September 2024 is European Russia, UA
  • RD9U/0 from 18 June 2023 through 14 September 2024 is Asiatic Russia, UA9
  • RU9MV/0 from 26 November 2015 through 16 September 2024 is Asiatic Russia, UA9
  • RX0TX/P on 15 September 2024 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ Zone 18
  • UB5O/M during 13-15 September 2024 is European Russia, UA
  • VE2NN during 1982 is Canada, VE in CQ Zone 2
  • VK3AHI/9 during February 1967 is Norfolk Island, VK9N
  • VK8DNT from 11 November 2023 through 16 September 2024 is Australia, VK in CQ Zone 29
  • W7JAL from 13 July 2021 through 9 September 2024 is Alaska, KL7
    W7JAL starting 10 September 2024 is United States of America, K
  • WA1NDW starting 17 March 2023 is Hawaii, KH6
  • WH6ERS from 15 August 2016 through 10 September 2024 is United States of America, K
  • WH6PC from 8 October 1997 through 20 September 2004 is United States of America, K in CQ Zone 5
    WH6PC from 21 September 2004 through 10 September 2024 is Alaska, KL7
  • WJ2O/VE2 during 29-31 October 1994 is Canada, VE in CQ Zone 2
  • WL7HB starting 8 December 2002 is United States of America, K
  • WL7WC from 11 October 1995 through 15 August 2001 is United States of America, K
    WL7WC from 16 August 2001 through 25 November 2014 is United States of America, K in CQ Zone 5
  • WP4PSN starting 10 September 2024 is United States of America, K in CQ Zone 5

QSL Managers (changes only, new stations with new managers are NOT listed)

  • 5X1GS, 5Z4GS, 8P9RN, 9G1PW, J6/WF2S, K2L/LH, KG4MN, VP2MGG, VP9ANV, VP9MN, VP9MZ, VP9NC, VP9RND, XT2BW and XT2DP are all via WB2YQH(SK), not WB2YQH
  • GB8MG starting 14 September 2024 is via M7WLT
  • LR1D starting 10 May 2022 is via LW1EA
  • LV7H starting 30 October 2021 is via LU1HO
  • VK9XU starting 18 February 2025 is via DL2AWG
  • VP9DX starting 25 February 1995 is via WB2YQH(SK), not WB2YQH


  • 5R8CI and 5R8WE from 23 October 2024 through 6 November 2024 are both on IOTA AF-057
  • GB1HTC on 14 September 2024 is on IOTA EU-124
  • IQ3AZ/P on 14 September 2024 is on IOTA EU-130
  • OH/DF9TM and OH/DL2SWW during 6-9 September 2024 are both on IOTA EU-101
  • OZ/DL3KWF during 2-15 September 2024 is on IOTA EU-029
  • OZ0ROM on 16 September 2024 is on IOTA EU-125
  • PB6BB on 14 September 2024 is on IOTA EU-146
  • PY7WM starting 4 May 2020 is on IOTA SA-046
  • RI0KA during 13-26 August 2024 is on IOTA AS-038
  • SM2/DF9TM and SM2/DL2SWW during 13-16 September 2024 are both on IOTA EU-139
  • SM3/DF9TM and SM3/DL2SWW during 20-23 September 2024 are both on IOTA EU-087
  • SV8/HA1YA during 15-16 September 2024 is on IOTA EU-049
  • SV8/ON5CT during 8-21 July 1997 is on IOTA EU-049
    SV8/ON5CT during 15-27 July 1998 is on IOTA EU-049
    SV8/ON5CT during 12-25 July 2000 is on IOTA EU-049
    SV8/ON5CT during 17-22 September 2001 is on IOTA EU-049
    SV8/ON5CT on 3 June 2006 is on IOTA EU-049
    SV8/ON5CT during 4-16 September 2012 is on IOTA EU-052
    SV8/ON5CT from 9 September 2024 through 6 October 2024 is on IOTA EU-049