DX4WIN.CTY #24.23 – 08 July 2024

Version entity is Dominican Republic, HI

Entities:      402
Prefixes:    4,714
Callsigns:  32,697
Managers:  102,858
Addresses:  14,017

[download] DX4WIN 8.05 and earlier
[download] DX4WIN 9.01 and later

[Entities] [Prefixes] [Callsigns] [Managers] [IOTA]



  • AX9L, VI9L, VK9L and VZ9L from 16 September 1975 through 24 June 2024 are all Lord Howe Island, VK9L


  • AH6K from 1 January 1991 through 23 March 1992 is United States of America, K
    AH6K from 24 March 1992 through 27 April 2022 is United States of America, K in CQ Zone 5
    AH6K starting 17 May 2024 is Hawaii, KH6
  • AH8DX from 12 May 2000 through 12 May 2020 is United States of America, K in CQ Zone 3
  • AK6GS from 7 May 2024 through 15 June 2024 is Alaska, KL7
  • EA5IKT from 24 June 2024 through 2 July 2024 is Spain, EA
  • EA9QD from 21 November 2016 through 6 July 2024 is Ceuta & Melilla, EA9
  • GB0RTB from 11 June 2024 through 7 July 2024 is Scotland, GM
  • GB1HMM during 17-19 June 2023 is Wales, GW
    GB1HMM during 22-23 June 2024 is Wales, GW
  • GB9OO during 18-27 June 2024 is Scotland, GM
  • II0ITR from 25 June 2024 through 22 September 2024 is Sardinia, IS0
  • K1MRX starting 20 June 2024 is Alaska, KL7
  • K8R during 7-22 July 2024 is American Samoa, KH8
  • KB0TSU from 26 February 2005 through 27 June 2024 is Alaska, KL7
    KB0TSU starting 28 June 2024 is United States of America, K in CQ Zone 3
  • KC0ZER from 24 December 2020 through 14 June 2024 is United States of America, K in CQ Zone 3
    KC0ZER starting 15 June 2024 is United States of America, K
  • KC1PJR from 27 December 2022 through 25 June 2024 is Alaska, KL7
  • KD0LNB starting 27 June 2024 is Alaska, KL7
  • KD6UQB from 7 July 2004 through 14 May 2013 is Hawaii, KH6
  • KE8UML from 22 January 2024 through 15 June 2024 is Alaska, KL7
  • KF5ZRV starting 8 June 2024 is Alaska, KL7
  • KF6RMG from 17 January 2013 through 25 September 2018 is United States of America, K in CQ Zone 5
    KF6RMG from 26 September 2018 through 16 October 2018 is Alaska, KL7
  • KH7Y from 11 March 2024 through 21 June 2024 is United States of America, K
  • KL2A from 14 February 2024 through 6 July 2024 is United States of America, K in CQ Zone 3
  • KL2WX during 3-22 June 2024 is Alaska, KL7
  • KL3SP starting 14 June 2024 is United States of America, K in CQ Zone 5
  • KL4K and KL4R starting 25 June 2024 are both United States of America, K
  • KL4RL from 10 May 2024 through 3 July 2024 is Alaska, KL7
  • KL6RG starting 21 June 2024 is United States of America, K in CQ Zone 5
  • KL7EJ starting 22 July 2004 is United States of America, K in CQ Zone 3
  • KL7WG from 1 April 2023 through 30 September 2023 is Alaska, KL7
    KL7WG from 1 October 2023 through 31 March 2024 is United States of America, K in CQ Zone 3
    KL7WG from 1 April 2024 through 30 September 2024 is Alaska, KL7
  • LU9QAE/H during 15-19 June 2024 is Argentina, LU
  • MM3S during 27-28 July 2024 is Scotland, GM
  • N3JAB from 12 July 2023 through 25 June 2024 is Puerto Rico, KP4
    N3JAB starting 26 June 2024 is United States of America, K in CQ Zone 5
  • N5J during 5-17 August 2024 is Palmyra & Jarvis Islands, KH5
    N5J starting 20 August 2024 is United States of America, K
  • NH7PF starting 21 June 2024 is United States of America, K in CQ Zone 3
  • NL7ES starting 24 May 1994 is United States of America, K in CQ Zone 3
  • R1000S from 1 July 2024 through 15 August 2024 is European Russia, UA
  • R1CF/M during 3-4 July 2024 is European Russia, UA
  • R2ET/9 from 14 June 2018 through 6 July 2024 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ Zone 18
  • R440AR from 16 June 2024 through 6 July 2024 is European Russia, UA
    R440AR during 7-11 July 2024 is European Russia, UA
    R440AR during 12-14 July 2024 is European Russia, UA
  • R8FF/P during 5-6 July 2024 is European Russia, UA
  • R8LCX/3 during 1-4 July 2024 is European Russia, UA
  • R9HAF/1 on 30 June 2024 is European Russia, UA
  • RA9WU/M and UA4HAZ/P on 6 July 2024 are both European Russia, UA
  • RD1A/M on 3 July 2024 is European Russia, UA
  • RO2E/8 on 3 July 2024 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ Zone 17
  • RO2E/M on 1 July 2024 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ Zone 16
    RO2E/M during 2-4 July 2024 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ Zone 17
    RO2E/M during 5-7 July 2024 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ Zone 18
  • RV7B/9 from 18 October 2019 through 2 July 2024 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ Zone 17
  • UA9AR/P on 1 July 2024 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ Zone 17
  • UA9JKM/M on 6 July 2024 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ Zone 17
  • UA9XX/4 on 1 July 2024 is European Russia, UA
  • VE3JZT from 14 November 2023 through 3 July 2024 is Canada, VE in CQ Zone 4
  • VE6MPRESS/7 during 1-16 July 2024 is Canada, VE in CQ Zone 3
    VE6MPRESS/7 during 23-31 July 2024 is Canada, VE in CQ Zone 3
  • VI60IOTA from 23 June 2024 through 3 July 2024 is Australia, VK
  • WH6GWN from 6 June 2023 through 20 June 2024 is United States of America, K in CQ Zone 5
    WH6GWN during 21-24 June 2024 is Hawaii, KH6
  • WH6VH starting 31 July 2006 is United States of America, K
  • WH6ZW from 14 May 2014 through 23 June 2024 is Mariana Islands, KH0
    WH6ZW starting 24 June 2024 is United States of America, K in CQ Zone 3
  • WL7GV from 10 October 2015 through 18 June 2024 is United States of America, K in CQ Zone 5
    WL7GV starting 19 June 2024 is United States of America, K in CQ Zone 3
  • WP4BD starting 11 June 2024 is United States of America, K in CQ Zone 5
  • WP4CKD starting 16 October 1997 is United States of America, K in CQ Zone 5
  • WP4MRT from 14 December 2003 through 30 March 2004 is United States of America, K in CQ Zone 5
  • WP4NYY from 16 May 2024 through 24 June 2024 is Puerto Rico, KP4
    WP4NYY starting 25 June 2024 is United States of America, K in CQ Zone 5

QSL Managers (changes only, new stations with new managers are NOT listed)

  • 5P60IOTA, 5Q60IOTA and OZ60IOTA are all via OZ1ACB, not OZ1BII
  • ED4W starting 27 March 2021 is via EA4DE
  • FS/W6IZT and PJ6/W6IZT are both via KL7OR, not N7XG
  • GB13COL starting 01 July 2024 is via K3UJ
  • S570W starting 04 July 2024 is via S59DJK
  • TO7HAM is via F6GAN(SK), not FM5AN
  • TO7PX is via IK2DUW, not IZ2DPX


  • 5Q5CW during 27-28 July 2024 is on IOTA EU-172
  • 7E79RI during 16-19 August 2024 is on IOTA OC-177
  • 8A78SKH on 20 July 2024 is on IOTA OC-021
  • 8H434MDN during 6-7 July 2024 is on IOTA OC-143
  • 8H78HUTB during 1-2 July 2024 is on IOTA OC-143
  • 9A/IZ7ECL/P on 20 August 2004 is on IOTA EU-016
    9A/IZ7ECL/P during 18-21 August 2005 is on IOTA EU-016
    9A/IZ7ECL/P on 6 July 2024 is on IOTA EU-090
  • EJ7HKB during 28-30 June 2024 is on IOTA EU-121
  • GB1HMM during 17-19 June 2023 is on IOTA EU-124
    GB1HMM during 22-23 June 2024 is on IOTA EU-124
  • GM3HAM/P during 27-28 July 2002 is on IOTA EU-123
    GM3HAM/P during 26-27 July 2003 is on IOTA EU-123
  • GM7A during 27-28 July 2024 is on IOTA EU-008
  • J48K during 27-28 July 2024 is on IOTA EU-052
  • JA8KSW/1 starting 30 March 2002 is on IOTA AS-007
  • KM4WSK on 27 July 2024 is on IOTA NA-083
  • LA/II5SF on 2 July 2024 is on IOTA EU-044
    LA/II5SF on 4 July 2024 is on IOTA EU-046
    LA/II5SF on 6 July 2024 is on IOTA EU-046
  • MM3S during 27-28 July 2024 is on IOTA EU-012
  • MW7RHR starting 13 March 2024 is on IOTA EU-124
  • N5J during 5-17 August 2024 is on IOTA OC-081
  • OZ13JK starting 16 June 2024 is on IOTA EU-029
  • OZ1AFR starting 7 July 2023 is on IOTA EU-029
  • PY2MTV from 2 December 2002 through 13 December 2004 is on IOTA SA-071
  • R440AR during 7-11 July 2024 is on IOTA EU-153
  • YB8EIP starting 2 May 2006 is on IOTA OC-146
  • YB8MUZ starting 1 March 2024 is on IOTA OC-146
  • YB9BFQ starting 20 February 2024 is on IOTA OC-022
  • YB9BXM starting 5 January 2021 is on IOTA OC-022
  • YC8DQO starting 16 June 2021 is on IOTA OC-146
  • YC8FBL starting 24 December 2021 is on IOTA OC-146
  • YC8MUZ from 26 February 2022 through 29 February 2024 is on IOTA OC-146
  • YC9BFQ from 12 August 2021 through 20 February 2024 is on IOTA OC-022
  • YD8MUZ from 10 October 2020 through 25 February 2022 is on IOTA OC-146
  • YD9BFL starting 24 September 2022 is on IOTA OC-022
  • YF8VII starting 13 December 2020 is on IOTA OC-070
  • YG9DFK starting 20 June 2017 is on IOTA OC-022
  • YH8AJ starting 4 June 2024 is on IOTA OC-146