Version History

Please click the Version History link above to go to the most recently released version.

  • If you are using DX4WIN version 9 or later, use Help | Check for Updates to get the latest country file.
  • If you are using an earlier version of DX4WIN, the best way to update the country file is to use the DX4WIN Data Updater.

The country file has been verified to work with DX4WIN versions 4.0x and later. It has also been tested with 3.05, but the information in the distance/bearing field in the upper-right of the QSO window will be blank.

The country file contains version information.

  • If you try to log the callsign “VERSION” (without the quotes) and type the tab or space key, look at the “QSL Mgr” field in the logbook. This will be the release date of the QSL manager database, and will usually match the release date of the country file, unless you have imported a different QSL manager database.
  • The Prefix field in the QSO entry window should match a line like this at the top of the release notes for that version:

Version entity is Rwanda, 9X

  1. What’s in the country file?
  2. Installation instructions
  3. Version checking
  4. Merging a new country file with an existing one
  5. Importing QSL manager data
  6. Analyzing country file differences

What’s in the Country File?

The country file unifies many smaller databases that are essential for DX4WIN:

  • DXCC entities
  • DXCC prefix to entity mapping
  • DXCC callsign to entity mapping
  • QSL managers
  • QSL manager addresses
  • Islands on the Air (IOTA)
  • US States (latitude/longitude)
  • CT state abbreviation to US state mapping
  • US Counties

The country file updates are cumulative, not incremental. Each new version has all of the previous version’s data (plus/minus any corrections), plus the new data for that particular release.

Installation instructions

The new country file can be used “as-is”. First, exit DX4WIN (File | Exit); you may be prompted to save your log. Download the ZIP file by clicking on the Version History link at the top of this page, then on the page that comes up, click on the [download] link of release you want.

  • If you are using DX4WIN 9 or later, copy your existing COUNTRY.DAT file (from your DX4W###\SAVE) directory to a safe place (like your DX4W###\BACKUP directory, see #3 in this application note: Analyze DX4WIN Country File Differences). Using a utility like WinZip, open the ZIP file you just downloaded, and save (extract) the new COUNTRY.DAT file into your DX4W###\SAVE directory.

    The easiest way to update, however, is to choose Help | Check for Updates in the main DX4WIN menu.

  • If you are using DX4WIN 8 or earlier, copy your existing DX4WIN.CTY file (from your DX4W###\SAVE) directory to a safe place (like your DX4W###\BACKUP directory, see #3 in this application note: Analyze DX4WIN Country File Differences). Using a utility like WinZip, open the ZIP file you just downloaded, and save (extract) the new DX4WIN.CTY file into your DX4W###\SAVE directory.

    The ZIP file contains another file, ADIF.PMP. This file is used to map QSOs in imported and exported ADIF files to the correct country (this includes eQSL and ARRL Logbook of the World). This file must be updated any time that DX4WIN.CTY is updated – the files have to be in-sync with each other. Assuming the ZIP file is still open from the step above, save (extract) the ADIF.PMP file to your DX4W###\IMPORT directory.

    The easiest way to update, however, is to use the DX4WIN Data Updater. This updates all DX4WIN data files, including the country file.

    Please see the section below Importing QSL manager data. You may want to save your old QSL manager file before installing the new country file.

Version Checking

To check if you have installed the most recent country file, type in (try to log) the callsign VERSION, then type <TAB> or the spacebar. Look at the value in the “Prefix” field in the QSO window. It should show the same prefix as the first line in the release notes, i.e.

Version entity is Morocco, CN

You can also look at the “QSL Mgr” field in the QSO window.  It should have the date of the country file release, i.e.


Merging country files

NOTE: the following applies to DX4WIN version 8 and earlier.

If you want to keep a customized country file, but still get the latest updates, then merging might be the best solution. Using the new country file “as-is” usually results in the fewest problems, however.

Only the following components of the country file can/will be merged:

  • Exception calls
  • IOTAs
  • QSL managers
  • QSL addresses

This means entities and prefixes are NOT merged. Therefore, it is almost always necessary to merge your old DX4WIN.CTY file into the new one, not the other way around. This gets your the prefixes and entities that may have been added to the new country file.

First, exit DX4WIN. Then move your existing DX4WIN.CTY file to a safe place, preferably somewhere like DX4W###\BACKUP. If you don’t have a BACKUP directory, then create one. See #3 in this application note: Analyze DX4WIN Country File Differences.

Next, download the new country file and extract DX4WIN.CTY to your SAVE directory. Start DX4WIN, and ensure you have the new country file by trying to log the callsign VERSION and checking the date in the “QSL Mgr” field. Close your log using File | Close. If you have made no changes (expected) it should not prompt you to save the file.

To merge, choose Files | Databases | Countries from the main DX4WIN menu bar. When the Country Editor window comes up, choose File | Merge Other Country File. Navigate to the BACKUP directory, or to wherever you moved your old DX4WIN.CTY file. Select the file named DX4WIN.CTY, then click on the Open button.

You will be prompted before merging each of the four components listed above. When the merge is complete, check for errors by choosing File | Check for Errors in the Country Editor window. When the merging is done and there are no errors, choose File | Save Changes and Exit in the Country Editor window.

After the country database is saved, you can re-open your logbook. Do whatever test(s) you need to ensure the merge succeeded.

Importing QSL manager data

NOTE: the following applies to DX4WIN version 8 and earlier.

If you decide you want to use this new file, you may want to import your QSL manager data from your old DX4WIN.CTY file into it.

Using your old country file, go to File | Databases | QSL Managers. Then File | Export QSL manager data. Pick a file name and save it. Do the same thing for File | Databases | Manager Addresses. Then you can exit from the QSL database manager.

After installing the new DX4WIN.CTY file, go to File | Databases | QSL Managers. Then File | Import QSL manager data. Use the same name as you saved before. When it asks you if you want to delete the existing data, answer Yes. Do the same thing for File | Databases | Manager Addresses. Then you can exit from the QSL database manager.

NOTE: Importing QSL manager data into version 6.02 causes unusual dates. This is fixed in version 6.03.