Version entity is South Georgia Island, VP8/g
ADIFCnt.txt contains 340 current DXCC entities and 61 deleted entities
arrlpre3.txt contains 16116 prefix+callsign mappings
cqwwpre3.txt contains 16263 prefix+callsign mappings
Added/changed Callsigns/prefixes:
- GM0AVR, MM0NQY, MM0ZRC, MM6IKB, MM6IMB and MM6YLO are all Shetland Islands, *GM/s
- 5B4STA/J is Cyprus, 5B
- 9M4CJN and 9M4CMY are both East Malaysia, 9M6
- EA5EZ/P is Spain, EA
- GB100LSG, GB5PSJ and GB6TSG are all Wales, GW
- IQ1NM/REX is Italy, I
- KC7SDC and N8CS are both Mariana Islands, KH0
- KA6BEG and W9MRE are both Guam, KH2
- AB6AP, AJ0M, KC6SWR and NH2CQ are all Hawaii, KH6
- KD7UAG, KE0KKI, KI7PZ, KK7I, W7JMR and WB1GZL are all Alaska, KL
- KB2CIE is Puerto Rico, KP4
- LA9FG/P is Norway, LA
- LU4FM/H, LU5BE/N and LU8EFF/N are all Argentina, LU
- LU6DO/V is Argentina, LU in ITU zone 16
- OK6RA/APF is Czech Republic, OK
- PA3HFJ/J, PA40LAB/J, PE1OXI/J and PH6BB/J are all Netherlands, PA
- R80PVB, RA0APW/6, RL97WS and RZ9SZ/3 are all European Russia, UA
- UA0WW/M is in ITU zone 31, not ITU zone 32
- RV9WP/9 is in ITU zone 32, not ITU zone 20
- RV9WP/9 is in CQ zone 18, not CQ zone 17
- UA4PCM/M is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 16
- R9PS/9 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 18, ITU zone 32
- UR4VWN/J is Ukraine, UR
- VK6SX/3 is Australia, VK
- VK5PAS and VK5PAS/6 are both Australia, VK in CQ zone 29, ITU zone 58
- 4O5W, 4O5Z, PA3EFR/J and YU1BBA/J are all Serbia, YU
Removed Callsigns/prefixes:
- 1S in Spratly Islands, 1S
- EA5EZ/P in Canary Islands, EA8
- KC4FUE and W7DJK in Hawaii, KH6
- N1KNK and W9QEE in Alaska, KL
- YZ4ED/6 in Serbia, YU