Version entity is Clipperton I., FO0
ADIFCnt.txt has 340 DXCC entities and 62 deleted DXCC entities.
arrlpre3.txt has 25790 prefix+callsign mappings.
cqwwpre3.txt has 25946 prefix+callsign mappings.
Added Prefixes/Callsigns:
- M0EDQ is Scotland, GM/t
- KL1TU, KH0QOL and KD5AJC are all USA, K in CQ Zone 3, ITU Zone 6
- NP4AX, KE4UXQ and KE4SVI are all USA, K in CQ Zone 4, ITU Zone 8
- WH6EST is USA, K in CQ Zone 5, ITU Zone 8
- KG5GBZ is Hawaii, KH6
- KG7PAH and KG7PAF are both Alaska, KL7
- SV2/SV1RP/T and SV1GA/A are both Mount Athos, SV/A
- UE82AWD, UB5O/M, RX3Q/M, RO2E/M, R900RO, R900DV, R900DM, R900BL, R7AB/M and R1CF/M are all European Russia, UA in CQ Zone 16, ITU Zone 29
- R9HAF/M is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ Zone 18, ITU Zone 31
- RV1CC/0 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ Zone 19, ITU Zone 25
- VK9YB is Norfolk I., VK9N
- KC4/KB1IFZ and KC4/KB1EHE are both South Shetland Is., VP8/H
Removed Prefixes/Callsigns:
- EA9PD in Spain, EA
- W3NX in USA, K in CQ Zone 3, ITU Zone 6
- KL1TU in USA, K in CQ Zone 4, ITU Zone 7
- KE4UXQ in Hawaii, KH6
- SV2/SV1RP/T in Mount Athos, SV/A
- UB5O/M, RO2E/M, R8FF, R7AB/M, R1CF/M and R900 in European Russia, UA in CQ Zone 16, ITU Zone 29
- RX3Q/M in Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ Zone 17, ITU Zone 30
- R9HAF/M in Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ Zone 18, ITU Zone 31
- RV1CC/0 in Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ Zone 19, ITU Zone 34